This document is part of the D2RQ documentation.

D2R Server: Accessing databases with SPARQL and as Linked Data

D2R Server is a tool for publishing relational databases on the Semantic Web. It enables RDF and HTML browsers to navigate the content of the database, and allows querying the database using the SPARQL query language. It is part of the D2RQ Platform.

1. About D2R Server

D2R Server is a tool for publishing the content of relational databases on the Semantic Web, a global information space consisting of Linked Data.

D2R Server architecture diagram

Data on the Semantic Web is modelled and represented in RDF. D2R Server uses a customizable D2RQ mapping to map database content into this format, and allows the RDF data to be browsed and searched – the two main access paradigms to the Semantic Web.

Requests from the Web are rewritten into SQL queries via the mapping. This on-the-fly translation allows publishing of RDF from large live databases and eliminates the need for replicating the data into a dedicated RDF triple store.

2. Features

Browsing database contents
A simple web interface allows navigation through the database's contents and gives users of the RDF data a “human-readable” preview.
Resolvable URIs
Following the Linked Data principles, D2R Server assigns a URI to each entity that is described in the database, and makes those URIs resolvable – that is, an RDF description can be retrieved simply by accessing the entity's URI over the Web. Semantic Web browsers like Marbles or LinkSailor can follow links from one entity to the next, surfing the Web of Data.
Content negotiation
Following best practices, the regular web interface and the browsable RDF graph share the same URIs. Read more about the interfaces offered by D2R Server, including example HTTP requests and responses, in the Technical Note Publishing Databases on the Semantic Web.
SPARQL endpoint and explorer
The SPARQL interface enables applications to query the database using the SPARQL 1.1 query language over the SPARQL protocol. A simple SPARQL explorer is included.
Downloading contents of BLOBs/CLOBs
D2R Server can be configured to serve files stored in the database in BLOBs or CLOBs. more…
Serving the vocabulary
If new classes and properties are introduced for a D2R deployment, the server can make their URIs resolvable in the spirit of Linked Data, and allows configuration of their labels, comments, and additional properties. more…
Publishing metadata
Metadata such as licensing and provenance information can be attached to every RDF document and web page published by D2R Server. more…

3. Running D2R Server

First, download the D2RQ distribution.

For development and testing, D2R Server can be started from the command line. The recommended setup for production is to deploy the D2R Server web application into a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat or Jetty.

See also: Getting started with D2RQ

3.1 Running D2R Server from the command line

D2R Server can be run as a stand-alone server application that includes its own web server. This is recommended for testing and development.

d2r-server [--port port] [-b serverBaseURI]
      [--fast] [--verbose] [--debug]

The name of the D2RQ mapping file to use.

If no mapping file is provided, then the database connection must be specified on the command line using the same connection parameters as for the generate-mapping tool, and a default mapping will be used.

--port port
D2R Server will be started on this port. Defaults to 2020.
-b serverBaseURI
The base URI where D2R Server is running. Defaults to http://localhost:2020/. Must be specified if the D2R Server is to be accessible from other machines or if it is supposed to be run on a port other than 2020.
Enables bleeding-edge optimizations that result in better performance but may not be as well-tested. Generally we recommend the use of this option unless problems are observed.
Output more logging information.
Output much more logging information.

3.2 Running D2R Server in a servlet container

D2R Server can be run as a J2EE web application inside an existing servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat or Jetty. This is recommended for production use.

  1. Make sure that your mapping file includes a configuration block, as described in the server configuration section. Set the base URI to something like http://servername/webappname/.
  2. Change the configFile param in /webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml to the name of your configuration file. For deployment, we recommend placing the mapping file into the /webapp/WEB-INF/ directory.
  3. In D2R Server's main directory, Run ant war. This creates the d2rq.war file. You need Apache Ant for this step.
  4. Optionally, if you want a different name for your web application, rename the file to webappname.war
  5. Deploy the war file into your servlet container, e.g. by copying it into Tomcat's webapps directory.

4. D2R Server configuration

The server can be configured by adding a configuration block to the mapping file. This consists of a d2r:Server instance with configuration properties. An example follows:

@prefix d2r: <> .
@prefix meta: <> .

<> a d2r:Server;
  rdfs:label "My D2R Server";
  d2r:baseURI <http://localhost:2020/>;
  d2r:port 2020;
  d2r:vocabularyIncludeInstances true;
  d2r:sparqlTimeout 300;
  d2r:pageTimeout 5;

  meta:datasetTitle "My dataset" ;
  meta:datasetDescription "My dataset contains many nice resources." ;
  meta:datasetSource "This other dataset" ;
  meta:operatorName "John Doe" ;
  meta:operatorHomepage  ;

4.1 Server-level configuration options

The following configuration properties can be set for the d2r:Server instance:

rdfs:labelThe server name displayed throughout the HTML interface.
d2r:baseURIBase URI of the server. Same as -b command line parameter.
d2r:portPort of the server. Same as --port command line parameter.
d2r:vocabularyIncludeInstances Controls whether the RDF and HTML representations of vocabulary classes will also list instances, and whether the representations of properties also list triples using the property (defaults to true).
d2r:autoReloadMapping Specifies whether changes to the mapping file should be detected automatically (defaults to true). This feature is convenient for development, but has performance implications, so this value should be set to false for production systems.
d2r:limitPerClassMap Specifies a maximum for the number of entities per class map that will be displayed in the “directory” pages of the web interface. This stops pages from getting too large, but prevents users from exploring the full data through the web interface. This setting does not affect the RDF output or SPARQL queries. The default is 50. Use false to disable the limit.
d2r:limitPerPropertyBridge Specifies a maximum for the number of values from each property bridge that will be displayed in the web interface. This stops pages from getting too large, but prevents users from exploring the full data through the web interface. This setting does not affect RDF representations or SPARQL queries. The default is 50. Use false to disable the limit.
d2r:sparqlTimeout Specifies a timeout in seconds for the server's SPARQL endpoint. A value of 0 or a negative value disables the timeout.
d2r:pageTimeout Specifies a timeout in seconds for generating resource description pages. A value of 0 or a negative value disables the timeout.
d2r:metadataTemplate Overrides the default resource metadata template, refers to a TTL-encoded RDF file. The literal value specifies a path name either absolute or relative to the location of the server configuration file. See below for a description of the placeholders available in this template.
d2r:datasetMetadataTemplate Overrides the default dataset metadata template, refers to a TTL-encoded RDF file. The literal value specifies a path name either absolute or relative to the location of the server configuration file. See below for a description of the placeholders available in this template.
d2r:disableMetadata Enables the automatic creation and publication of all dataset and resource metadata. Possible values are "true" and "false". Note that "true" is assumed if this flag is missing.
d2r:documentMetadata A simpler alternative to d2r:metadataTemplate: The value should be a blank node. Any statements involving this blank node will be copied as metadata into any RDF documents generated by D2R Server, with the blank node replaced with the document's URL.

Note that further configuration options can be set elsewhere in the mapping file. Database-level configuration is specified on the d2rq:Database instances, and configuration of the D2RQ query engine is specified on a d2rq:Configuration instance.

4.2 Dataset and Resource metadata

Often, providing additional information for the served resources is desirable. Main areas for this additional information include licensing, proveance, and general dataset descriptions. D2R Server has comprehensive support for this so-called metadata. First, metadata can be provided on two levels: Every served resource can have metadata assigned, and the entire dataset served by the D2R server installation can also have metadata assigned. Metadata templates are RDF documents, that can contain placeholders, which are replaced with user-specified information, configuration values, or run-time information. The resource metadata are added to the RDF and HTML responses for each requested resource, while the dataset metdata is served at a single URL which is created by appending /dataset to the configuration value d2r:baseURI. Most of the dataset metadata is auto-generated from the mapping file, with the user-specified dataset metadata then being mixed into the RDF and HTML representation of the dataset metadata.

4.2.1 Customizable Default Templates

To simplify the process of serving dataset and resource metadata, D2R server is shipped with two default templates, which are easily customized through the server configuration. These default templates use a combination of the Provenance Vocabulary to describe the data creation process in a machine-readable way, the VoID Vocabulary for interlinked datasets, and the Dublin Core Vocabulary for general authorship terms. The default templates are located in the webapp/WEB-INF/ directory in the D2R source distribution.

The default templates are customized in the server configuration block, for example:

@prefix d2r: <> .
@prefix meta: <> .

<> a d2r:Server;
  meta:datasetTitle "My dataset" ;
  meta:datasetDescription "My dataset contains many nice resources." ;
  meta:datasetSource "This other dataset" ;
  meta:operatorName "John Doe" ;
  meta:operatorHomepage  ;

The following user-specified values can be set for the default metadata templates:

meta:datasetTitle A literal value giving a title for the dataset served by this D2R server installation.
meta:datasetDescription A literal value giving a description for the dataset served by this D2R server installation.
meta:datasetSource A literal value mentioning the source for the dataset served by this D2R server installation.
meta:operatorName A literal value describing this servers' operator or organization.
meta:operatorHomepage A resource URL describing this servers' operator or organization.

4.2.2 Custom Metadata Templates

Even though we recommend using the default templates, there will still be users who wish to set their own metadata templates for the dataset and each resource. For these cases, D2R server supports overriding the default templates for resource and dataset metadata. In the server configuration, the flags d2r:metadataTemplate and d2r:datasetMetadataTemplate can be used for this purpose, respectively. We recomment using the default templates as a starting point. It should be noted that in the case of the dataset description, most information there is auto-generated from the server configuration and D2RQ mapping. The default templates can then be overridden as follows:

@prefix d2r: <> .

<> a d2r:Server;
  d2r:metadataTemplate "/some/absolute/path/to/resource-metadata.ttl" ;
  d2r:datasetMetadataTemplate "../some/relative/path/to/dataset-metadata.ttl" ;

Inside these templates, placeholders can be used to represent configuration values, or run-time information. Template placeholders are organized into three groups that represent the available data sources: runtime, config, database, and metadata. All placeholder URIs follow the scheme about:metadata:groupname:identifier.

The following placeholder groups are currently available:

Placeholder group: runtime

Placeholders in this group are replaced with D2R Server runtime data. Currently, D2R Server supports the following runtime placeholders:

about:metadata:runtime:time Replaced by a xsd:dateTime literal which represents the current date and time.
about:metadata:runtime:resource Replaced by the URI of the requested resource.
about:metadata:runtime:page Replaced by the URL of the HTML representation of the requested resource.
about:metadata:runtime:graph Replaced by the URI of the current RDF graph that is served by D2R server.
about:metadata:runtime:dataset Replaced by the dataset description URL of the D2R server (e.g. http://d2r.example:123/dataset)
Placeholder group: config

This group of placeholders corresponds to the configuration options for the d2r:Server instance. For example, the placeholder about:metadata:config:baseURI is replaced with the value of the d2r:baseURI property defined on the d2r:Server instance.

Placeholder group: server

This group of placeholders corresponds to the configuration options for the d2rq:Database instance. For example, the placeholder about:metadata:database:jdbcDSN is replaced with the value of the d2rq:jdbcDSN property defined on the d2r:Database instance.

Placeholder group: metadata

Placeholders in this group allow the inclusion of additional metadata attributes, whose replacement attributes are defined as properties of the d2r:Server instance from the namespace (abbreviated with the prefix meta: in the following). Each placeholder about:metadata:metadata:identifier is replaced by the value of the property specified using a corresponding meta:identifier predicate.

In the following example, the property meta:operatorHomepage is provided, whose value will replace mentions of about:metadata:metadata:operatorHomepage in the metadata template:

@prefix meta: <> .

<> a d2r:Server;
    d2r:metadataTemplate "metadata.ttl";
    meta:operatorHomepage <> ;

4.2.3. Sample Template

@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix xhv:  <> .

<about:metadata:runtime:graph> foaf:primaryTopic <about:metadata:runtime:resource> .
<about:metadata:runtime:graph> xhv:license <about:metadata:metadata:license> .

This template adds two triples to the RDF graphs served by the corresponding D2R Server instance. The first triple asserts that the primary topic of the served RDF graph is the resource that was requested. The second triple identifies the license of the served RDF graph and requires the metadata attribute to be specified in the mapping file.

5. Optimizing performance

Here are some simple hints to improve D2R's performance: